Hey Mission Leaders- Great resources to strengthen and grow your mission strategy

3 cohorts offered by Upstream Collective , designed for participants to go through as a series one after the other:

New Missions Leader Cohort - This cohort is designed for missions leaders who are new to their role, for church leaders looking to start a missions vision from scratch, or for churches that want to make radical improvements to their missions vision.

Advanced Missions Leader Cohort - This cohort is designed for missions leaders who have been in their role for some time and are looking to improve their sending capacity as a church and troubleshoot pain points in their missions strategy. These cohorts are offered Stateside and in Madrid, Spain.

Specialized Cohorts - We offer multiple cohorts throughout the year that dive deep into missions topics like: Multi-site Missions Leader Training; Caring for Sent Ones; Assessment and Development of Sent Ones; Short-term Trips; Developing Field Strategy; and Local International & Refugee Ministry.

Dates + details for each cohort HERE.

Sending Church Online Trainings

We are offering FIVE 2-hour online training sessions for pastors and missions leaders. We will explore our Sending Church Elements that build an essential framework for healthy sending, assessing, developing, deploying, and receiving sent ones in your church.

Dates + details for each training HERE.

What’s the Best Way to Provide Help in a Crisis?

Original Post

by Brian Fikkert

Not all poverty is created equal. It can be helpful to think of three broad categories of poverty alleviation: relief, rehabilitation, and development.

  • Relief is an urgent, temporary provision of emergency aid to reduce immediate suffering from a crisis. When someone’s life has been interrupted by a natural or man-made disaster, it’s time to “stop the bleeding”.

  • Rehabilitation begins as soon as the bleeding stops and seeks to restore people to the positive elements of their pre-crisis condition. Here, we move away from doing things for someone to working with them to take steps to improve their situation.

  • Development is a process of ongoing change that moves everyone involved—both the materially poor and materially non-poor—closer to right relationship with God, self, others, and the rest of creation than they have been in the past. Like rehabilitation, development is not done to people or for people, but with them.

In normal circumstances, most low-income people who approach your church for assistance are not experiencing a one-time crisis. They are battling a chronic state of poverty created by a complex set of forces. Development—not relief or rehabilitation–is usually the proper approach in this situation, as simply providing material resources can actually undermine people’s willingness to address the chronic conditions that are contributing to their material poverty.

However, in a time of crisis—such as the current situation facing us all with the outbreak of COVID-19—relief or rehabilitation is often the appropriate response. Many people may find themselves in financial crises for the first time due to sickness or sudden job loss.

In these cases we need to help people quickly, providing both material and non-material assistance to stabilize their situation and to restore them as much as possible to positive elements of their pre-crisis conditions. In a time of crisis, we should definitely err on the side of generosity.

So what does this generosity look like during a global pandemic, where many cities are in full lockdown and physical contact is limited? The answers will look different depending on where you are, but here are a few ideas to get you and your church thinking:

  • Adjust your intake process for benevolence. For example, many churches wisely insist on meeting people face-to-face before assisting with financial needs. However, depending on the situation in your community, these meetings may no longer be permissible or safe. Consider temporarily offering meetings over the phone rather than face-to-face. Many utility bills or other financial needs can be handled over the phone or online.

  • Modify your existing ministries. For example, if your church hosts a food ministry, consider shifting to a “grab-and-go” or delivery model for the short term rather than gathering large groups. If your church hosts financial education classes or similar development-focused ministries, connect with your participants over the phone or via Google Hangouts or Zoom to pray for them and assess any needs they may have. What changes can your church make to keep helping without spreading the virus?

  • Start a new, short-term ministry. This pandemic is likely to disproportionately affect many people who were already vulnerable: the elderly, people working at hourly jobs, those without transportation, etc. Many people are unable to get groceries, prescriptions, or other essential household items. Some are cut off from friends or family until the crisis is over. What opportunities are there to rally your congregation to safely address some of these needs?

At-Home Learning/Fun Ideas for Kids and Adults

At-Home Learning/Fun Ideas for Adults

Barnes and Noble 
Books of the Month — Buy one get one 50% off

Free Ivy League Courses

World-Famous Museums — Virtual Tours

The Met Nightly Opera StreamsBerlin Philharmonic 
Free 30‑day access to their online streaming. Promo Code: BERLINPHIL

Design your own t-shirts, mugs, and more. Promo Code: DYO15At-Home

Learning/Fun Ideas for Kids 

Full Online Curriculum for ages 2–8

50% off your first kids book club box. Promo Code: ACCESS

World-Famous Museums — Virtual Tours

Free coloring pages

Free lesson plans

Scholastic Learn at Home Resources 
Free learn-at-home program

Khan Academy Online Learning 
Daily learning schedule for ages 2‑18

10 YouTube Channels that promise to be educational and entertaining

Scholastic Learn At Home 
Free for the rest of the school year — preK to grade 9

Free Audible Stories 
Kids can stream free stories

Big Life Journal 
Growth and resilient mindset resources

Story-based yoga for kids 

Houston Zoo Live Animals 
Enjoy a live look at animals

Food Delivery Services 
(availability in your area may vary)




Dream Dinners 
Promo Code: ACCESS

Grocery Delivery Services 
(if available in your area)







Amazon Prime Now 
Promo Code: ACCESS

Can’t go physically? Why not take a Virtual Short-term Trip.

Your mission team was recruited, trained and ready to go but along came the unexpected! Who could imagine that a new virus could have such a global impact? Disappointment is understandable. What could you do to help your church members still have a cross-cultural experience even in the context of a stay-at-home order? Many have already turned to virtual tools to continue to do church ministry so why not use the same tools for a “Virtual Short-Term Mission Trip”?  You are creative and can make this Virtual Mission Trip better but here are a few idea starters: 

A few details to consider

  • Pick a day and time.

  • Secure a virtual, online tool like Zoom, Google or Webex. Here is a review of options.

  •  Recruit your missionary partners.

  •  Announce the opportunity to your members.

  •  Invite and send information and details.

  • Enjoy!


 Schedule a live, virtual time with your missionary partners:

  • Potential questions for your missionary partners:

    • What’s the current state in your area and ministry?

    • How are you and your family doing?

    • What’s an interesting element of the culture that has been revealed in the moment of crises? What’s a positive element you’ve observed? What is a troubling element?

    • What are you praying for right now and for the future?

    • How are your partners and those you do ministry with?

    • How have you seen God move or lead in this time?

  • Have a time for questions and answers. 

  • Facilitate a time of prayer together.


  • Challenge everyone to search for recipes online for an opportunity to try something new. Everyone should use existing ingredients in their house to make a meal from another culture. Invite everyone to share their experience sand their recipes. 

  • Encourage everyone to do a virtual prayer walk of your ministry areas using Google Earth

  • Find and share songs in the language of your place of ministry.


  • Take up an offering to sustain ongoing support and ministry projects. Consider using funds previously raised for mission trips. Need project ideas?

  • Write virtual letters- have members write letters, scan or take pictures of the letters and share with your partners. 

  • Purchase appropriate and usable gift cards for food, digital resources, or online supplies. Consult with your mission partners prior to purchasing. 

What ideas would you add? Would you share how it went?

Church Ideas in the Midst of COVID-19 Crises

Many short-term trips have been appropriately canceled due to travel restrictions and COVID-19 concerns. What can your church do in this moment to make lasting, internal impact globally?

  • Support your partners: many nonprofits have nationals and missionaries who are living on the front lines who still need your support. Communicate your commitment to them in financial support, prayer and long term partnership. 

  • Develop new partners: the Missionary Travel Association has been blessed with many member organizations doing life changing work all over the globe. We would be happy to help connect you with projects, partnerships and other opportunities. 

  • Find ways to give: although short-term trips may have to be suspended for a period of time, there are great ways your church can provide for those still living in various contexts around the world doing great ministry. Once again, we would be happy to connect you with opportunities.  

  • Plan for the future: yes, this momentary crises will pass, the world might look different on the other side but God's mission will not change. Many churches are planing for trips beyond April. We at MTA are happy to provide excellent benefits for those future trips. 

  • Share your ideas: has God led to some innovative ways to minster in the midst of this reality? Share your ideas with us and we will share them on the Community Page on our website. To submit an idea or story, please fill out this form.

Thank You!

We just wanted to say thank you Bill, (CEO and founder of MTA) from the bottom of our heats for your excellent help when I needed you. I am so grateful to the doctors on our team who advised me to get home ASAP, but more importantly, to you Bill and your company for your assistance in making that a reality. The retinologist said that not only did I blow the one hole in my retina (along with ripping the main artery to the eye and it filling with blood), but it also had two other areas right on the verge of blowing at any moment. If they had blown, it would have been irreparable. The doctor doubted that the eye would have made it if I had waited to come home with the team.

So, you can see why I so appreciate you and your outstanding people. Those on the plane couldn’t have been more caring or helpful. They even went out of their way to buy sandwiches for us in case we hadn’t eaten! That meant so very much and I feel tears welling up again when I think about how well they treated us. They were right on top of things when my blood pressure dropped way too low and pile me with blankets when I couldn’t stop shivering. Their attitudes and the love they showed couldn’t have made you prouder.

Then when you yourself actually came to meet us at the airport in the middle of the night, I was actually amazed at your wonderful spirt. You and your company are a credit to Christians everywhere. Again, I want to thank you and give glory to our might God for holding me in His hands and using you in such an admirable way. God bless you my brother.

Patti and Jim.

Trip to Panama

I just returned from a wonderful trip to Orilla del Rio, Panama. Our  team had the opportunity to serve the community of Orilla del Rio by participating with a local church in their worship service. We also made presentations in the local school and did house to house evangelism visits. While there we also participated in local small group Bible studies. I cant wait to go back in November.




Training in Cuba

I just returned from an Evangelism and Leadership Training event in Cuba. Cuba churches are very focused on outreach but many church Pastors and leaders can not afford to go to seminary or buy books on the subjects. We saw 25 folks come to Christ as the result of our door to door Evangelism efforts. 42 church Pastors/leaders went through an intensive week long training of how to be a better Pastor/ church leader.

I am getting ready to go back this fall.

